Visualizing SDOT Open Data Bicycle Counts

Presenting an app for Seattle Open Data bicycle counters. Click the link to go to an interactive data tool for bicycle and pedestrian counts using Seattle Open Data from

If I knew how the Internet worked I would embed the app in the Stats on the Street website, but, given my limited knowledge, the existence of this tool is mostly thanks to the brilliance of Hadley Wickham and the folks at Rstudio. The GUI is hosted through Rstudio Shiny Apps, and I pretty much bought the cheapest plan possible, so hopefully some people get some good use out of this, but not too many people or too much use…

Note that SDOT maintains data dashboards for the Fremont Bridge and Spokane St bike counters, but I was curious about all of the available bike counter data. Fans of the show probably noticed that my project to visit the counters individually and write about it got sidetracked last winter (along with basically all of my Stats on the Street projects), but I am hoping to continue this summer. Find here detailed write ups of the Burke Gilman at Sandpoint and the Chief Sealth Trail in South Seattle. While the SDOT dashboards appear to have access to data uploaded daily, the public urls (refer to the “Notes” tab on the data tool) see only monthly uploads.  Continue reading “Visualizing SDOT Open Data Bicycle Counts”